Wanaku aims to provide unified access, routing and resource management capabilities for your organization and your AI Agents.
If you haven’t seen it already, we recommend watching the Getting Started with Wanaku video that introduces the project, and introduces how it works.
In addition to installing the Wanaku MCP Router, it is also necessary to install the CLI used to manage the router. The Wanaku MCP Router CLI provides a simple way to manage resources and tools for your Wanaku MCP Router instance.
NOTE: Wanaku also comes with a web user interface that you can access on port 8080 of the host running the router, but at this moment, some features are only available on the CLI.
The MCP endpoint exposed by Wanaku can be accessed on the path /mcp/sse
of the host your are using (for instance, if running
locally, that would mean http://localhost:8080/mcp/sse
The best way to install the CLI is by downloading the latest cli
from the latest release.
NOTE: You may also find a container for the CLI on our Quay.io organization, although it is not entirely tested at the moment.
Wanaku needs providers and tools to serve and route. These are the downstream services that Wanaku talk to.
The first step is to launch them.
Get the docker-compose.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanaku-ai/wanaku/refs/heads/main/docker-compose.yml
Then, you can launch the containers using:
docker-compose up -d
With the Wanaku MCP router up and running, then, link the tools and providers to the router:
wanaku targets tools link --service=http --target=host.docker.internal:9000
wanaku targets tools link --service=camel-route --target=host.docker.internal:9001
wanaku targets resources link --service=file --target=host.docker.internal:9002
After the tools and resource providers have been linked with the router, then you can start adding tools and resources to be served via MCP using the commands described below.
Wanaku ToolSets are a group of tools that you can use to share with friends and colleagues and can be easily imported into the router. Wanaku comes with a couple of ToolSets that you can import into your router and use them to try it and see how it works.
The first step is to download a toolset:
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanaku-ai/wanaku-toolsets/refs/heads/main/toolsets/currency.json
Then, you can import them into the router using:
wanaku tools import /path/to/currency.json
You can check if they were imported by running the following command:
wanaku tools list
The following commands are currently supported by the Wanaku MCP Router CLI:
Lists available resources exposed by the Wanaku MCP Router instance. Run this command to view a list of available resources, including their names and descriptions.
wanaku resources list
Exposes an existing resource to the Wanaku MCP Router instance.
Suppose you have a file named test-mcp-2.txt
on your home directory, and you want to expose it.
This is how you can do it:
wanaku resources expose --location=$HOME/test-mcp-2.txt --mimeType=text/plain --description="Sample resource added via CLI" --name="test mcp via CLI" --type=file
Lists available tools on the Wanaku MCP Router instance. Run this command to view a list of available tools, including their names and descriptions.
wanaku tools list
Name Type URI
meow-facts => http => https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com?count={count}
dog-facts => http => https://dogapi.dog/api/v2/facts?limit={count}
Adds an existing tool to the Wanaku MCP Router instance.
Here’s how you could add a new tool to a Wanaku MCP router instance running locally on http://localhost:8080:
wanaku tools add -n "meow-facts" --description "Retrieve random facts about cats" --uri "https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com?count={count}" --type http --property "count:int,The count of facts to retrieve" --required count
NOTE: For remote instances, you can use the parameter --host
to point to the location of the instance.
Link a service provider hosted at a specific address to handle tools of a specific type.
wanaku targets tools link --service=http --target=host.docker.internal:9000
On the command above, it would cause all tools of type http
to be handled by the provider available on host.docker.internal:9000
Some tools services may need to be configured before they can be run. For instance, the Kafka tool needs to know both the address of the broker and the topic where to wait for a reply.
wanaku targets tools configure --service=kafka --option=bootstrapHost --value=my-kafka-host:9092
And, then to configure the reply to topic:
wanaku targets tools configure --service=kafka --option=replyToTopic --value=someTopicToWaitFor.reply
You can view linked targets using the targets tools list
or the target resources list
wanaku targets tools list
Service Target Configurations
kafka => localhost:9003 => bootstrapHost, replyToTopic
http => localhost:9000 =>
All CLI commands use the Wanaku management API under the hood. If you need more advanced functionality or want to automate tasks, you may be able to use this API directly.
By using these CLI commands, you can manage resources and tools for your Wanaku MCP Router instance.
You can design the routes visually, using Kaoto. You need to make sure that the start endpoint for the
route is direct:start
. If in doubt, check the hello-quote.camel.yaml
file in the samples
To add that route as a tool, you can run something similar to this:
wanaku tools add -n "camel-rider-quote-generator" --description "Generate a random quote from a Camel rider" --uri "file:///$(HOME)/code/java/wanaku/samples/routes/camel-route/hello-quote.camel.yaml" --type camel-route --property "_body:string,The data to be passed to the route"
Wanaku implements the MCP protocol and, by definition, should support any client that is compliant to the protocol.
The details below describe how Wanaku MCP router can be used with some prominent MCP clients:
For LibreChat search for mcpServers
on the librechat.yml
file and include something similar to this:
url: http://host.docker.internal:8080/mcp/sse
NOTE: make sure to point to the correct address of your Wanaku MCP instance.
In LibreChat, you can access Wanaku MCP tools using Agents.
The following resources can be made available using Wanaku.
Type | Resource Provider | Description |
file |
wanaku-provider-file | Provides access to files as resources to Wanaku |
ftp |
wanaku-provider-ftp | Provides access to files in FTP servers as resources to Wanaku |
s3 |
wanaku-provider-s3 | Provides access to files in AWS S3 as resources to Wanaku |
The following tools services can be made available using Wanaku and used to provide access to specific services.
Type | Service Tool | Description |
http |
wanaku-routing-http-service | Provides access to HTTP endpoints as tools via Wanaku |
yaml-route |
wanaku-routing-yaml-route-service | Provides access to Camel routes in YAML tools via Wanaku |
kafka |
wanaku-routing-kafka-service | Provides access to Kafka topics as tools via Wanaku |
Wanaku leverages the Apache Camel to provide connectivity to a vast range of services and platforms. Although we aim to provide many of them out-of-the box, not all of them will fit all the use cases. That’s why we make it simple for users to create custom services that solve their particular need.
To create a custom resource provider, you can run:
mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=ai.wanaku -DarchetypeArtifactId=wanaku-provider-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.0.1 -DgroupId=ai.wanaku -Dpackage=ai.wanaku.provider -DartifactId=wanaku-provider-s3 -Dname=S3 -Dwanaku-version=0.0.1
To create a custom tool service, you can run:
mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=ai.wanaku -DarchetypeArtifactId=wanaku-tool-service-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.0.1 -DgroupId=ai.wanaku -Dpackage=ai.wanaku.routing.service -DartifactId=wanaku-routing-jms-service -Dname=JMS -Dwanaku-version=0.0.1
After created, then most of the work is to adjust the auto-generated Delegate
class to provide the Camel-based URL and, if
necessary, coerce the response from an specific type to String.
In some cases it may also be necessary to implement your own Client
or Resource
In those cases, then you also need to write a class that leverages Apache Camel’s ProducerTemplate
and (or, sometimes, both) ConsumerTemplate
to interact with the system you are implementing connectivity too.
The communication between Wanaku MCP Router and its downstream services is capable of talking to any type of service using gRPC, therefore, it’s possible to implement services in any language that supports it.
For those cases, leverage the .proto
files in the core-exchange
module for creating your own service.
NOTE: at this time, Wanaku is being intensively developed, therefore, we cannot guararantee backwards compatibility of the protocol.
NOTE: for Java, you can still generate the project using the archetype, but in this case, you must implement your own delegate from scratch.